4 New Year’s Resolutions

Let 2021 be the Year of Self-Care
However challenging 2020 may have been, the hopeful feeling associated with a new year is addictive.We are all cautiously optimistic about what 2021 has in store. One of the popular traditions of ringing in the New Year is making resolutions and setting goals. New Year resolutions about self-care for January are by far the most popular.If your New Year’s resolution slate is still clean, here are some suggestions for your consideration.
Focus on Your Mental Health
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health has and will continue to be a global concern. Pandemic or not,nurturing your mental health is of utmost importance. Promise yourself to take stock of your mental health state.Speak with a therapist if you feel too anxious or stressed and cannot open up to friends and family. You can also consider joining a support group.Both can be done from the safety of your own home. Apart from that, you can begin journaling;writing about things that are bothering you is a proven way to manage stressful thoughts.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Most of us aren’t intentional about our sleep. Some of us go to bed but spend time scrolling through social media pages or binging shows. If you have trouble sleeping, consider a resolution to change this habit. Let 2021 be the year when you work on your sleep pattern. Getting a good eight hours of sleep every night will work wonders for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Invest in a good quality mattress and feel-good pillows, like Hot Cherry Therapeutic Pillows. Warm a Hot Cherry pillow and place it in your bed before retiring. The warmth relaxes your body and brings increased circulation to chilly toes, helping you relax and drift off to sleep.
Keep Some Physical Activity in Your Schedule
Working out may not top the list of your New Year’s resolutions,but adding more activity or movement to your daily routine is a good thing. Your body, mind, and soul need that. If working out alone bores you, do it with a friend or a family member. Motivate and have each-other’s back.But don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Try to keep it simple, fun, and interesting. If you develop soreness from over exersion, relax those muscles with Hot Cherry Pillows. Take walks in Nature to restore your eyes and stretch your legs from a sedintary lifestyle or from having to stare at a computer for hours on end.
Eat Better but Don’t Starve Yourself
Every New Year, the most common resolution is to lose weigh, and to get in shape. Be sure to set specific goals for you to aspire to. The best way to do that is to eat healthier foods and measure proportions. Avoid restrictive diets or major eating plan overhauls, just balanced, nutritious meals. Add more greens and fruits to your meals. Try new recipes, for your favorite dishes that have less salt or sugar. And drink more water!
There you have it, a few New Year’s resolutions about self-care for January. Follow these for the entire year, and you will surely be taking much better care of yourself.
And if you don’t already have some, Hot Cherry Therapeutic Pillows will be the perfect addition to your self-care kit. Get some today!