Hot Cherry Pillows – Your Best Bud for Recuperating from Physical Exertion

Beautiful blooms and much-needed relief from the chill in the air– spring has sprung! We happily bid farewell to another season of winter, and are ready to let the sunshine into our hearts and homes.

With warm, pleasant weather, and longer days, we feel more active and full of energy. It is the season to lose all that winter weight and get ready for the summer days ahead. If you have not already chalked out a workout routine, take some time out the coming weekend and do it.

As you embrace the spring exercise mood, remember not to overdo things. Listen to your body and don’t push it over the limits. Remember, rest days are important to allow your body to recuperate. A Hot Cherry Therapeutic Pillow is a must in your healing kit. From acute injuries to overexerted muscles, Hot Cherry Pillows provide relief and speed up the healing process.

A moist heat pack or a cold pack– Hot Cherry Pillow can do both. As you enjoy the Hot Cherry Pillow therapeutically, the soothing aroma of natural cherry pits will help you relax.

Spring into Shape with Regular Exercise– Keep a Hot Cherry Pillow for Healing Aches and Injuries

Kids, teenagers, adults, and even grandparents– everyone should get some physical movement throughout the day. Our bodies are made for moving. No more letting the winter laziness get the best of you. The colder days are behind us, and warmer temperatures have arrived!

While it is great to include more physical activity in your routine, it is important to remember to start slow. Plunging into intense workouts after a prolonged period of not doing much exercise increases injury risks. While tired muscles, cramps, and aches are inevitable as you get into the habit of exercising regularly, you should take necessary precautions to not hurt yourself in the process. Be realistic, be mindful, and be gradual to avoid injuries.

Just like you make a workout plan, make a routine to allow your body to relax and heal.

After you cool down, take a shower. Microwave a Hot Cherry Pillow for 2-4 minutes, and let the moist heat relax your muscles. The moist heat is also effective in alleviating any pain from old injuries. In case you incur an acute injury, cold packs are your go-to. Put your Hot Cherry Pillow in the freezer for 2 hours, and it will be ready to use.

Hot Cherry Therapeutic Pillows are even used and recommended by physical therapists and chiropractors for the healing process.

As you call it a day and crawl into the bed, a warm, cuddly Hot Cherry Triple Square Pillow will help your body relax. The healing combination of moisture and heat will alleviate the aches and pains from all the physical exertion, and help you drift off to much-needed sleep.

Shopping Time– Order Your Hot Cherry Pillows Today

Our signature Hot Cherry Therapeutic Pillows are made sustainably, with love. They are microwavable, freeze-able, and machine-washable. They’re available in 6 different sizes and two fabrics, making Hot Cherry Pillows the perfect pain solution for every athlete and weekend warrior.

Visit our SHOP Pillows page to explore your options.

Happy Spring and happy exercising!

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